Wednesday, February 3, 2010

movin' out

UPDATE Reader Brit just let us know that Target has indeed clearanced the fabric softener - so it looks like it's either going away, or method is set to debut updated softener as part of their new laundry line. Time will tell!


Making a quick trip to Lowe's this week to see if they'd gotten the new laundry detergent (as I had yet to actually see it in a store) I FINALLY spotted the new product! I took a big whiff of peony blossom, and it wasn't at all what I was expecting. (It didn't smell like peonies to me at all. But then, I'm more so a free + clear fan anyway, and I've already heard of lots of method lusters who love the new peony blossom scent, so what's my opinion anyway? LOL)

But while I was there, I also noticed Lowe's is putting the method fabric softener (available in fresh air and water lily + aloe) on clearance. The only other store that I know currently carrying the softener is Target, and they only carry the fresh air. So I'm not sure if this is simply Lowe's removing the product from their shelves, or method discontinuing it and bringing out a new fabric softener more in line with their new laundry products! I'll keep you updated when I find out anything more!


And you know something I'd REALLY love to see is their fabric softener in a free + clear "scent." Towels and sheets I don't mind having a lingering fragrance, but for clothing it's sorta a big no-no for me. (Hey, isn't that what cologne/perfume is for? Ha ha!)

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