Friday, March 11, 2011

a lil' eric ryan...

Sometimes I just take a moment or sixty, and hunt and peck around ye ole' internet to see what method goodies I can find! (You all might think method just hands me these news items on silver trays with little mints! But alas, it's about 90% detective work (just ask method, they'd agree!), 8% you amazing lusters sending me photos and scoops (thanks!), and 2% method actually laying it all out for me. It's work, peeps, work!) With that said, I've stumbled upon a few dandies I thought you'd enjoy, coming via tweets, chirps, and blog posts from method co-founder Eric Ryan! Enjoy!

+ The pic above is a sneak peek for method's new dish soap refill pouches! Ready to hit store shelves this spring!

+ This happens to be an old school photo of method's very first shelf display, sold into Mollie Stones in San Francisco (notice the price!) It's method's tenth anniversary! Can you believe it? Congrats, method! You can check out the complete post over on method's official people against dirty blog, which includes this "who would have imagined that 10 short years later we would..." list:

beat the odds and become a thriving + enduring business
live up to the dream of creating a business that is an agent for change
work at a company where MacGyver is a role model
convince millions of people to switch to non-toxic cleaners
attend the prom. every year.
stand up to Goliath over a flower… and watch them back down
give people a professional outlet to be weird… and get paid for it
launch green revolutions including: 100% post-consumer recycled bottles, marvelously concentrated + precisely dosed laundry detergent, smarty dish, bamboo wipes, pouch refills, bio-diesel trucks and all of our incredible green chemistry
moonlight as front-desk receptionists on a regular basis
hone our ping-pong skills to a butter-knife edge
sell products that people use the word “lust” to describe (we got a shout-out, lusters!)
get sunlight 24 hours a day, with offices in Chicago, London, and Hong Kong
and most importantly… have the opportunity to hear from amazing people like you and make the world a little bit cleaner.

I've still got three of the four bottles pictured above, under my kitchen sink. Can you believe that?! No, wait, you can. (They're all empty. Actually no, hold on, I decided to take the "vintage" ylang-ylang bathroom spray bottle out of retirement, and refill it. So it's sitting in the bathroom at the moment. And I still have a 3/4 bottle of the kitchen cleaner. Man, that grapefruit mandarin kitchen cleaner was the bomb! I love those pics method used to have on their bottles. Unfortunately, I never got around to picking up the glass cleaner when it first debuted in this bottle style.)

+ Look for a new method book to hit store shelves late Summer, titled The method method! You do all have a copy of method's previous book, squeaky green, right?

+ method recently had a segment on the CNBC show "How I Made My Millions"! (You can see their new spray bottles in the video! Man, those are some great bottles! I have yet to see any hit my Target shelves, but I can't wait!) - Full video above! Enjoy!

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