Tuesday, September 27, 2011

giveback - method lust

UPDATE +  Thanks to everyone who chipped in and donated to method lust's domain name renewal drive! Drinks all around! (Well, electronic fake interweb drinks, at least!) I so appreciate your help, and taking the time to read (and comment!) on method lust!

Current donations total:
$30.00 (two year renewal!)  

Do you lust reading well, method lust? Enjoy the product reviews, the sneak peeks, all the green news and eco-challenges? Well, if you do, a) thank you! and b) I could use your help, and I promise it won't hurt a bit!

method lust's annual domain name renewal has come back around for another year! And believe it or not, I do this little blog all out of my sheer lust for all things method! It's true! But every once in a while I need my loverly readers help! If you could spare a buck, five dollars, fifty cents, fifteen dollars, a nickel, anything, it would really help me out with this domain name renewal bit! Fun fact: Did you know you have to actually pay for website addresses every year? And I kinda cherish my little methodlust.com!

It's $15. a year. If I get more, I'll purchase additional years (and then you won't have to hear me beg for a couple of years!) If I get less, I'll simply put whatever I get towards the renewal (and cover the remainder myself.) But anything will help, I promise.

I hate begging, so don't feel any obligation - but if you're so inclined, just click that donate button on the right side bar (it's yellow, and says donate! It'll take you to a PayPal page, it's safe and secure and ridiculously easy!), and a hearty thank you from one method luster, to another! Check back to see how the current donations total progresses each day!


EJ said...

Well since you once sent me a peppermint vanilla pill refill (which I hoard away in my method vault) I'll send you some love :)

Nathan Aaron said...

EJ, I so appreciate it! :) Thanks!

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