Tuesday, September 6, 2011

sneak peek - fabric softener

Looks like method is about to debut an updated fabric softener line (three cheers! - with sparklers! And don't forget the cheese dip! Cause it's a softener party!) After improving upon the look to the packaging (and helping it to stand out from the laundry detergent bottles), it looks like they are also expanding the scents (which is a great, and much requested, thing!) Fresh air (the current and only fabric softener scent) will soon be getting some new friends in waterlily & aloe and lavender lilac scents! Special thanks to method advocate Livebetter for this scoop! Let method lust know when you start seeing them hit your store shelves!


Sprockets said...

Finally in new scents, hooray!!

bittersweetsonata said...

No free and clear. This makes me incredibly sad. I've been living with the fresh air but it really does irritate me to the point where I've gone back to using my Downy free sometimes, which I hate, hate to do. I want my laundry to not make me itch! I do like the bottle change, but I'm still going to have to keep looking for another eco-friendly option that doesn't make me itch. I'm not a fan of laundry sheets either.

Nathan Aaron said...

I can't for the life of me figure out why they didn't do lavender cedar instead of lavender lilac (since lavender cedar is in their laundry detergent line.) But I will try not to complain TOO much. ;)

melanemac said...

Target already has it here in the fresh air. I have already have been using it and love it!

Nathan Aaron said...

Yeah, fresh air has been out for quite some time. method has just finally gotten around to adding new scents to the line.

Livebetter said...

I think it's odd that the fabric softener scents do not match the detergent. I guess you could use them with the unscented if you want the "true" scent of the FS to come through. Well.ca has them instock now. I'm going to order some and I'll post back when I get it.

Nathan Aaron said...

Fresh air laundry detergent is sold at Targets (and Lowe's, etc.) Waterlily + aloe is sold exclusively (to my knowledge) at Whole Foods. So the only weird one is the lavender lilac. Hopefully it won't clash with the lavender cedar too much!

kirby said...

Is anyone else having trouble with the new detergent/softener bottles breaking? I've lost two 50-load bottles of detergent because the tops completely snapped off.

But on the plus side, my car totally smells like lavender cedar...

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