Tuesday, August 4, 2009

clean sweeps

+ method's got themselves a sparkly new website! Make sure you check it out over at www.methodhome.com! Some of the navigation is a little "hidden" (but I do sincerely like it! - example: to get to the store, click on the word products in their title "method creates products for people against dirty.") People against dirty takes you to their blog, etc. It takes a little searching, but once you figure it out, it's a snap!

This also makes me feel the aircare line is moreso heading for a revamp, rather than a discontinued status. The product line is second only to their home cleaning line (with 48 products), so let's keep our fingers crossed! Let me know what you think of the new site design!

Oh, And right now, you can get yourself a shiny new $1.00 coupon off of their new site! Whee!

+ Looks like Target is clearancing both the stainless steel "steel for real", and the granite "daily granite" wipes. Pick some up, before they're gone from Target!

+ Next time you pick up a bottle of method's refresh mint or waterflower foaming hand wash, you might notice it's gotten a bit more colorful. I'm not sure if this is a quality control issue, or method just decided to brighten some of their colors; but the green and pink is REALLY green and pink now! I noticed this during a recent trip to Target. Random, I know. But hey, I'm a random kind of guy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have also noticed a difference in color when I have gone to Target in the past few weeks. I hope that it is not a big issue, but as a consumer no one wants the faded (and old looking) hand wash when a bright one (and new looking) is right next to it.

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