Look what I found at my local Big Lots last night! They've gotten some citrus cilantro aroma rings in! Looks like the method products continue to trickle into the stores! I'm going to do some more Big Lots loitering this weekend, and see what I can see!
I also noticed on one of method's lastest twitter methodtweets they mentioned to an advocate lusting for some more beach sage bloq lotion (and not being able to find it at Target. Hello, how long has bloq been discontinued? Do these people not roam up and down the method aisles each and every time they go to their local Target!? Do they not sniff, and re-sniff all the scents anytime they see a method bottle, even though by now they know what they smell like in their sleep?! Are they not obsessed to a degree that's simply not right?! I mean, that sounds crazily sane! What's up with these people? And how can I get some of what they're drinking, cause really, I need help... no, really. Help me, please. I had another method dream last night. Don't even get me started. The big method boss (I don't remember who it was, it was a "dream boss") was firing me from method, even though I didn't work for method (not even in the dream! Ha ha!) even after I helped them all look for some method products in this crazy warehouse, but they had to cut corners; but then I said something profound to him, and he realized there was no way he could lose my utter genius, so he unfired me from being fired from a position I was never hired to! Yay! Ah dreams... I remember my family came up to me in my dream, on the side of the street (cause that's where you always meet your family, just roaming the streets.) And they were trying to talk to me and I was all like "Psh, psh! I'm on the phone with method! Can't talk now!" oh, where was I? Oh yes.)
...to possibly check their local Big Lots. Now, I'm not sure about you, but I have yet to see any bloq products pop up at Big Lots; so either it's was simply a suggestion not necessarily based on current fact (did you like that sentence? I did, it sounds very lawyer-y, doesn't it! Ok, ok, anyway...) OR perhaps they know something we don't, and bloq products could be hitting our Big Lots shelves very soon! Time will tell!
oh my Nate, i really do think you need some help! maybe you should get a part-time job at Target or Big Lots...because it sounds like you spend an awful lot of time at both of them. :)
So true, Karin, so true... sigh! But if I didn't, how would I bring all the latest Target/Big Lots greatness to you lusters! :-)
I hit a BL with my sister this weekend and spent $50 on method! They had the motherlode, including these which I hadn't sniffed yet. Of course, I love them and had to buy 4. :)
Oh - and I picked up a 2 pack of fig pill refills... which I sadly discovered I cannot stand! Would you like them Nathan??
Big Lots loitering...I love it!
Oh man...I LOVE fig, so wish they would make that a permanent scent. I do wish I had a Big Lots near me...I have nowhere to go to find discounted and retired method products. sad.
I live in Northern CA and stumbled upon an entire shelf of Bloqs at my local Safeway...
Nathan...I've been subscribing to your blog in google reader so hardly visit the site directly anymore but had to post tonight. My local big lots had fresh cut grass aroma pills! YES, FRESH CUT GRASS AROMA PILLS (it totally called for repeating!). Sooooo, being the method nut err method luster that I am...I bought all 32 of them. They were the single pills and they come in the little tray of 4. So yah...32 pills...2.50 each....I'm sure the cashier thought I was crazy lol. Oh and I snagged 3 citrus cilantro candles.
The thing I don't get...they didn't have the grass pills before...I'm sure a long time ago they did, I only recently started checking in at big lots. But how are they getting it in again when it's been discontinued for sooooo long.
James, honestly, I don't know. Big Lots has been known to get some method stuff that's AGES old! I mean, they just got the old dishcubes a few months ago, and those things have been discontinued, what, three? four years! It's crazy! (But I don't mind!) I like to imagine method has a giant warehouse full of old product just sitting there, and every once in a while they yell "clear it out to Big Lots!" and off it goes, and we get lucky! BUT, that's only in Nathan's world, and I really don't know how it works. Just be glad you found 32 cut grass pills! Ha ha! I can't believe you bought them all! That makes me feel SO much better about my method insanity! So much better!
I know I saw Bloq at Grocery outlet and Wheeler Dealer.
I just scored laundry detergent for $2.99 a bottle at Big Lots! They also have the old school dryer sheets... Nathan, what were your lusts for the dryer sheets?
lavender + juniper! I haven't found them anywhere. EVERY other scent, though, they have. REALLY odd. :-)
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