Sunday, February 17, 2008

reed and write

Get the title? Ok, yeah, it's sad. I know, I know. But it's exactly what this post is about. Diffuser reeds! Well, for the most part. And the second half, your input! That's right (or should I say "write?") at the bottom of each post is a "comments" link. If you click that link you can post a comment! Now come on, I know you're shy, or can only type with two fingers at a time! But I see you lurking around this blog (and I love it, please keep lurking!) but I'd also love to hear any comments readers have to say, be it informative, a question, or just you stating "I love method!" over and over and over! So go on, comment away. Your mom isn't reading this! (Or is she?)

With that out of the way, I have a small question I'd like to poll people on. It concerns the method aroma sticks (and the aroma beads, possibly. I'll get to that in a moment.) First, how many people have bought their aroma sticks? They rock, don't they! And they're great for, ok, I forget how long they last, it has to be two months or so, and they do a great job! Then the scent starts to fade, and you run into your nearest (Target) to get a refill, and... well, they don't have a refill. What?? Never fear, you can always purchase another set, which includes the vase. But my question to you is, would you like to see refills for this product? And if the aroma beads are released down the line in non-Holiday scents, refills on those as well? I'm voting for a big ole' YES! I think it'd be really easy to do. Now mind you, I know nothing about shelving space in stores, the cost of doing it, etc. and I know that plays a part. But I think it'd be really easy to package the vase separately, and the reeds and their scents together, both in smaller packaging than what it's in now. I just feel that the $12.99 (at least here in NC) is a bit steep each time you want to "refill" your aroma sticks. AND you end up with all these ceramic vases, which while they're great, especially at holding, oh I don't know, lavender in your bathroom (see below); after a while you're drowning in ceramic method vases! When instead you could just go out and purchase a new refilll pack for the vase you have at home. And the pricing could still justify the initial sale (such as, $5.99 for the refills, $5.99 for the vase; or such?) Same for the aroma beads. First purchase is of the set, then you can go out and pick up the small aroma bead refills once you've filled your house all up with method scented goodness!

So what are your thoughts? Am I just over thinking this? Am I just too darn cheap? Or am I on to something? I'd love to know how many people out there buy these products, if the pricing deters you from future purchases, or if you have other ideas? Drop me a comment! Thanks!

1 comment:

melanemac said...

I would absolutely love a refill! In fact, I emailed them and asked them for such. I think it would be fine to have the set as is and only have the oil as a refill. I think the sticks would probably still last (I have just been adding other oils currently).

I wish they had more refills then they do...

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