Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Wait, what? That isn't a holiday song, but rather a pirates tune? And it starts out Yo, ho, ho? Really? Wow. I never knew that! Well, let me just say, some families would enjoy my version much better during the holiday season! (Hey, you know it's true.)
So anyway, enough about liquor and the holidays! How about some reviews! Believe it or not, it's been quite a while since I've done a
one man review here on method lust! So in honor of the Christmas holiday season officially starting (hey, Thanksgiving is
over buddy, get with the program! ) from here on out, this season is
all about Santa Claus and ho-ho-ho, and mistletoe and presents to pret-ty girls! First up, method's
'tis the season' line of hand washes (
only available
online, and at Target stores
with a grocery/fresh produce section:)
baked apple, toasted vanilla bean and winter oak hand washes |
baked apple (gel and foaming hand wash) + So I really didn't want to start off on a Scroogey note, but well, bah humbug! I had such high hopes for the baked apple. Another reader mentioned they thought it smelled a little like apple cider. That got me to thinking, could this be method's apple version of their spiced pear? All apples and cinnamon and clove and rich spices! That sounds like a baked apple to me! So the scent, well, I'll let my conversation with my boyfriend speak for itself:
me: "Here, smell this. Do you think it smells like baked apples? What does it smell like to you?"
the boyfriend: sniff - "Hmm, I don't know what it smells like, but it doesn't smell good, that's for sure."
me: "Yeah, unfortunately, I agree."
I couldn't even get an apple scent out of it. It was sorta some weird mish mash of vanilla and some kinda spice buried deep down and it was just... uninspiring. I couldn't even bring myself to buy and try a bottle, it was so disappointing. Sad face. The concept was great, the result was less than successful.
But, just to prove I'm not a total Scrooge, apparently there are baked apple lusters out there, via method's Facebook page:
"...I love love love the holiday edition baked apple hand wash! I just opened it and am totally in love with this scent."
1.5 out of 5 hard candy Christmases
toasted vanilla bean (gel and foaming hand wash) + Our second review, well, it's kinda like the first one. I know, I know. method is never gonna bring me no figgy pudding at this point! (wink!) So how about another boyfriend conversation moment:
me: "What do you think of this? It's called toasted vanilla bean."
the boyfriend: sniff - "Wow. Uh, why does their holiday hand wash smell like suntan lotion?"
Agreed, hon, agreed! Perhaps that's the "toasted" portion of the scent, but it sincerely smells like coconut suntan lotion. In fact, I love that scent (it's crazy, I know!) So I was tempted to pick it up simply for that reason (having nothing to do with the fact that it's supposed to be a fall/winter scent) but started thinking about the new
coconut grove hand wash that will be out in the spring, and decided to wait. Plus, I'm uh, trying to find holiday scents here, ya know?
2.5 out of 5 hard candy Christmases
winter oak (gel and foaming hand wash) + Man, it looks like method's 'tis the season' line is a total bust! I mean, so far, nada. I should just pack my sleigh and move on, nothing to see here. Oh and whoa Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen (Rudolph was sick at home with a stuffy nose!) What do we have here? Why it's winter oak! Now, this is how method does it right! It's a very unique scent, kinda woodsy, kinda cologne/perfumey, kinda sweet, smoky, just nice! Perfect! Listen up method, these are the kind of scents we lusters expect from you! Something original, special, and oh so method! Perfect for the fall/winter months! Mmm. I snapped up a bottle quicker than you could say "dash away, dash away, dash away all!" (I know, I'm sorry. But trust me the holiday bits are far from over!)
PS - the boyfriend lusted winter oak, too, and even picked himself up a bottle!
4 out of 5 glasses of eggnog
And now on to method's holiday line:
frosted fir and candy cane hand washes |
frosted fir (gel hand wash) + There is nothing I can ever say bad about frosted fir. It's Christmas tree Heaven! Returning for only it's second time around (for shame!) it's just an amazing scent, I lust, lust, super über-lust it! It is the scent of the holidays to me! method fans praise the hollyberry scent, but I personally think frosted fir is the best of the two! And this year it's also in dish soap?! method, I could give you a kiss! Just go stand under the mistletoe, ok? Now close your eyes! And pucker up...
5 out of 5 glasses of eggnog
candy cane (gel hand wash) + Wow! Just wow! I can't believe it, after years and years and years and well, you get the point of peppermint vanilla (which I think is just eh. Way too much vanilla, not enough peppermint!) method finally gives us a pure mint scent! I mean, it's called candy cane! How can it not be the peppermintiest! I can't wait! Yippee! To the sink I go, scrub scrub scrub my hands with new candy cane, mmm, mmm, mmm, it's so... wait. This smells exactly like peppermint vanilla. E to the x to the actly. What in the world is going on here? Why would method give us the exact same scent under the guise of a new name? This is so... cue Christmas crying face (you know, the face children give you when they don't get what they thought they were gonna get for Christmas!) So much potential. Down the drain.
Peppermint vanilla fans will lust it like crazy. The rest of us, not so much. Enough with the vanilla, method. Make 2012 vanilla free!
PS - Candy cane scent is also available in dish soap for the holiday season.
3 out of 5 hard candy Christmases + (1 out of 5 hard candy Christmases for giving us an old scent with a new name)
And finally, foaming holiday hand wash:
cinnamon drop and spiced pear hand washes |
cinnamon drop (foaming hand wash) + This is a very true cinnamon candy scent! If you lust cinnamon drops, you'll lust this foaming hand wash! It's not very creative, or unique, but it's nice! I wish it were available in gel, as well.
3.5 out of 5 glasses of eggnog
spiced pear (foaming hand wash) + Oh man, why isn't this available in gel this year? Sniff. Spiced pear is a method classic. And unfortunately, I'm not sure method realizes this. It's a perfect fall/winter/holiday scent. But it comes around so rarely, and that's a shame. Pear mingled with all sorts of wintery spices. Seriously amazing. This should show up in stockings and on store shelves at least every other year, if I had my way (in gel, please! I just can't get my brain wrapped around foaming hand wash. I know, there are method fans for both sides! Fighting it out Snow Miser and Heat Miser style!) I just lust spiced pear scent to ribbon candy pieces! (Even the tiny candy shards that jab the roof of your mouth! Ouch! Whatever, I still lust you!)
5 out of 5 glasses of eggnog
And there you have it! method lust's 2011 holiday hand wash one man review (with a little help from my wonderful boyfriend!) I realize scents (and our lust + hate dislike (mama said you should never hate nothing) for them) are a very personal thing - so, have you sledrided (is that even a word? No, no, it's not. But we'll use it anyway, cause I love annoying my 8th grade English teacher) down to your local Target (or gone online) and purchased any of these method holiday goodies? If so, what do you think? Do you agree or disagree with my reviews? What are your holiday lusts?
And with that... I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good method night!"