"...does anyone know where i can find a complete listing of what each of the fall and christmas scents come in? I love the Frosted Fir scent! It's the most like last years Hollyberry which I cried over it was so good'n christmas-ee.. But at Target it only comes in the handsoap and candle.. I think. Thanks!"
If you ask, you shall receive! (And I feel your pain!) Here goes. Each year method has slowly put out more holiday product! Yay! We lust that! Unfortunately, as more product hits the shelf, not every scent gets a full line. I would have bought up every little thing Frosted Fir came in this year, if it were available in a full line! BUT, unfortunately, it's not. (They chose Winter Berry. Not sure why... Ok, ok, don't hate me Winter Berry fans! I know, it's just a personal choice!)
So here is the breakdown:
+ Spiced Pear and Winter Berry scents - gel hand wash, dish soap, spray cleaner, aroma rings, aroma sticks, potpourri ornaments, large candles (6.5 oz), and candle trios (6.0 oz)
+ Frosted Fir and Toasted Hazelnut - gel hand wash, large candles (6.5 oz) (I'm afraid that's it! Sniff sniff. Hopefully Frosted Fir will sell well, and they'll bring it back in a larger product line next holiday!)
I've asked method if the holiday line will have aroma pill refills, as last year the pill refills hit separately, and later in the season (not sure why?) But I haven't heard back from them as of yet. When I find out, I'll let you know! (Hey, official method people, do you know the answer? Thanks!)
+ Gingerbread + Spice (fall limited edition) - aroma spray, large candle (6.5 oz), aroma pill refills, and aroma ring refills
+ Pomegranate Tea (fall limited edition) - aroma spray, large candle (6.5 oz), aroma pill refills, and aroma ring refills
And yes, (unless method realizes how amazing the Pomegranate Tea scent is, and makes it's an official line-up) all of these scents are limited to their fall/Holiday lines. Holiday is usually discontinued around January, while fall sometimes makes it 'til early spring.
Some readers have also found Hollyberry, Cinnamon Bark, and Peppermint Vanilla at Bed, Bath And Beyond, and Office Max. These are leftovers from last year, and vary as to what product they come in (ranging from candles, to spray cleaner, aroma sticks, and gel hand wash.)
I still haven't heard from anyone concerning any special edition scents available at Costco (which method is known for having) so until I hear something, I'll take it they may not have released anything different to Costco this year.
Hope this breakdown helps everyone!
I am dumping out my last Bloq shower/body wash and filling it with Frosted Fir handsoap. The smell it leaves on my hands is amazing. I want my whole body to smell like that. And my partner, and my dog for that matter.
I found some Hollyberry dish soap at drugstore.com. I cannot get enough of that scent!
I'm annoyed that they don't have the holiday scents in foaming hand wash. Gel hand wash always finds a way to stick to my hands even when I've thought I thoroughly washed it all off. And gel wash doesn't leave my hands as soft either. :(
Nate... you are so incredibly thorough! we need to run off to california and get married! then you can be on hand to answer my method questions! ok maybe not.
yeah, i'm all about the frosted fir... it's VERY christmasy... i mean, if christmas had a smell.. Frosted Fir would be IT! The Winter Berry.. not so much. It's more berry than winter which to me smells more summery than wintery. Don't get me wrong though, I still bought the darn stuff anyway it was available... and yes I FINALLY found a Target here that has the gingerbread spice. I bought a bunch so I won't run out for another 3 years... AND know that I know that the pomegranate tea is limited I am SO going out to clean out the Target shelves of this scent!
Thanks again!
And, as if I haven't dominated this comments page enough... I just wanted to give a bit of a heads up on the discontinued holiday scents Hollyberry, Cinnamon Bark and Peppermint Vanilla. I just had a Method enduced orgasm.. (Am I allowed to say oragsm on here?) If you go to drugstore.com they have a BUNCH of these 3 discontinued scents for sale!!! In candles, dish soap, handsoap, aroma rings.. whatever. And they are all normally priced.. not overpriced like some discontinued scents are on ebay.
And I just bought one of everything in the hollyberry scent.. and being the method freak i am.. you can imagine my squeal of glee when upon checkout they offer FREE SHIPPING! yes.. i was happy! BUT WAIT! THAT'S NOT ALL!! If you go to this link
They have online coupons... so you can save $5 on a $30 or more purchase or $10 on a $50 or more purchase... I almost died.
So if anyone is looking for these 3discontinued scents from last year, just go to drugstore.com
notahetero80, Aw, shucks! I knew my wedding day would come! But perhaps we should wait until after election day, to see if we could still indeed get married in California (perhaps we should go to Massachusetts?) I SURE hope that prop. fails! (Oh, it just burns me up the idea of giving people rights, then taking them away due to ignorant fear! Grr! But don't get me started... anyway...)
You're one up on me! I was just about to post the whole drugstore thing (as another reader had mentioned it) and then you mention it! Thanks for the coupon!
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