method's people against dirty are officially asking "What's the next product method should make?" So let's help them out, with some suggestions!
Our previous set of polls listed some of these as top contenders lusters would love to see coming from method:
+ Fabric refresher spray
+ Pet care products
+ Auto care products
Personally, I'd lust seeing the shaving cream make a return in some form, as well as shampoo and conditioner; all for the body line. And fabric refresher spray has been on many method wishlists for a long time!
So go on already, what are you waiting for, suggest away! method will listen! (They read method lust, I promise you!)
Nathan...I'm with you on the body line. PLEASE COMPLETE IT! I need shampoo, shaving cream. Even deodorant! Every morning when I get in the shower and look at my bottle of method body wash, I get a little sad that it's shampoo companion isn't there.
And we need more deodorants out there without aluminum, so method needs to step up!
Ugh...nevermind my grammar error above.
How about a 3-in-1 shampoo/body wash/bubble bath? Not unlike the stuff Philosophy makes (which I do lust), but with a nice method twist.
Also, I was thinking about this in the shower (while using my Philosophy 3-in-1 in Caramel Apple, so tasty)... Are there any good eco-friendly pre-spot/stain treatments out there? I'm still using Shout, there's gotta be something better out there.
In some order of preference:
Fabric cleaner/refresher
Shampoo and conditioner
Deodorant (since method. is the queen of scents!)
Toothpaste (this market is a bit flooded though)
Carpet cleaner/stain remover
And yes, bring the shaving creme back! And ho about a facial cleanser? :)
Doesn't anyone want paraben-free hand and body lotion? Parabens are not only synthetic, but they stay in your body. We are turning into Twinkies.
I want my body lotion!
I agree with the fabric spot treater and also the deodorant listed above.
I buy my shower soap and lotion from a local artisan who makes her stuff out of paraben-free material, so I'm satisfied there.
You know, I thought about it, and what I would like to see is baby laundry detergent in the rice milk + mallow scent. The current scent is a little over-the-top floral and I love the rice milk + mallow scent (besides, everyone loves when things are all matchy-matchy).
kaoticorchid, I believe the new squeaky green does carry the baby detergent in rice milk + mallow! So you're in luck!
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