Ok, so let's say I run out to Target, and pick myself up a nice delicious peppermint vanilla hand wash! Mmm. I use it for a while, and then one of the following happens:
+ "Uhm, I'm not really a peppermint vanilla kind of guy" I think to myself, and stop using it. All that peppermint vanilla hand wash goodness going to waste.
+ "The holidays are over!" And I store my peppermint vanilla hand wash away, only to find it months later, and think "you know, I don't think I'll be using this again."
+ In a moment of crazed insanity, I buy eight bottles of peppermint vanilla hand wash, and uh, yeah, eight is like crazy; what am I going to do with all of these?!
Here's what! Offer them up in the new method market! Do you have some method greatness you'd lust trading, sharing, bartering or simply giving away? Here's the place to do it!
method lust reader Rebecca, and Netta both helped me conceive this idea (Push, Nathan! Push! You can do it! Stop cursing and push! There, I can see the M, that's it! Oh oh, it's a beautiful method market!... Yeah, ok, that's just a bad visual to put into someone's mind, isn't it? Sorry.) Netta had tried out the new sweet water squeaky green laundry detergent recently, and while loving the detergent, didn't like the scent. So she ended up giving it to her sister. While Rebecca realized that peppermint vanilla aroma bead set was just sitting in her closet, and I'd mentioned a couple times on here that I'd lust giving them a try (since I'd never bought one. Bad, Nathan. Bad!)

So that's what method market is all about! Here's how it works. There is an image on the sidebar that says method market. Just click that image, and it'll take you to the method market post. In that post, if you happen to have a method product you're wanting to share(give)/trade(barter) post it up. Example:
"Hey everyone! I've got a citrus cilantro candle I'd like to find a new, sweet home for. Any takers? I'm sharing it with you!" or
"Hey everyone! I've got a citrus cilantro candle I'd like to find a new, sweet home for. I'm willing to do a trade!"
Others will check out the method market post, and see what is being offered. And if you see something someone else is offering, that would make a nice trade, you can ask them if they want to trade with you! Or someone may say "Hey, I love citrus cilantro! Would you be interested in a beach sage bloq body wash as a trade?"
OR if you're wanting to simply share(give) it away, someone will be all "Oh oh, citrus cilantro! I'll take that!" and if there are multiple posts wanting the item, you get to choose who gets it. Hey, do a niceness scale, or how many times they use the letter 'm' in their post, or someone's name you like the best. Ha ha! There's no science to it.
Then, you can simply state: "Hey, methodlover2000, I'd be willing to send you my citrus cilantro candle! Here's my email address, email me your address and I'll send it out!"
And then, when the trade/share is done, just let everyone know with a big ole: "Citrus cilantro has a new home! Thanks everyone!" so they know it's not still available in the method market.
Whew! Ok, make sense? I think I still explained it too much. - Hopefully not. I think this is a great way to share method items we might not usually get to try, and get to know everyone here on method lust a bit better! What do you think of this idea? Think it'll fly! Lust it? Not so much it? Let's give it a try, and see what happens!
Welcome to the market! (The official method market post is below this one. Think of this post as the "instructions manual." Thanks!)
Sticky: Don't post your method market here. Go to the official "method market" post, by clicking on the method market image in the sidebar! Thanks!
Nathan, I think that this is a very good idea. Sometimes us method lusters (mainly myself) buy a loadful of method products and never get a chance to use all of them and I think that this is a great way to spread the method wealth. Great idea...love it.
YAAAAY! I was hoping that the vague recent mentions of Method Market were going to be something along these lines.
Yay! You go Kirby! You've christened the new method market! :-)
yay, I'm so glad I could fuel your great idea! (and now I have somewhere to trade that extra aroma bead set, ha ha!!)
This is the best idea I've heard in a long time! I've come across quite a few products I didn't like, but I think I used them anyways...
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