Off on one my multiple Target trips this weekend (looking for the ever elusive new method aircare items. I know, I know. Patience. Here's the thing, when they say things are debuting in August, I'm like YAY August 1st is here! Not realizing that it will usually be more like mid to late August, you know, I'm just so impatient. Plus what's up with Steve having found the new aroma sprays like, two weeks ago? Huh? Not fair! Anyway...) still no luck, but I did discover three interesting method items of note:
+ Apparently Target is clearancing the water lily + aloe fabric softener. I'm not sure if this means method is discontinuing it, or not. But given the latest shake-up with their laundry line, I'd run out and grab some bottles while you still can. (Just in case.) Targets look to continue carrying the fresh air scent, as that was not priced for clearance.
+ A fellow luster wrote in recently mentioning that Target was clearancing the omops! I mentioned they were probably clearancing out the original packaging versions, replacing them with the new bamboo packaging. But on closer look today, I believe they are actually clearancing out the general purpose floor care omops, and will only be carrying the wood floor care omops from now on. Probably to save shelf space. Of course you'll still be able to purchase the ginger-lemon floor cleaner and cleaning cloth; you'll just have to purchase it separately now, instead of in the intro kit. (Unless you purchase it from method home.)
+ Target is also clearancing the wood for good microfiber cloths. I'm not sure what's going on here. Perhaps method is trying out a new packaging style on the cloths, and is starting with the wood for good? Not sure. Seems to me the granite and steel cloths would be purchased less than wood; so I can't imagine it's a sales thing for Target (as those cloths were not clearanced.) Time will tell. I'll see if I can found out.
+ And OH, for those that want reed/oil diffuser refills. (NO, wait, don't get excited.) But Target has this new line of aroma plug-ins, and diffusers, etc. in their candle section. It's only at one of my Targets, so perhaps they're testing the concept; but today I noticed they are carrying a package of reed refills (10 reeds!) (With their oil refills, as well. But you have to purchase them separately for some reason.) But I was so excited, as I didn't know where you could even go to get new reeds. I pondered weird ideas like tearing out the wick of an aroma pill refill and pouring that into one of my diffuser vases and using the reed refills; and such. But decided to wait. But I was excited to see this offer from the Target brand. Perhaps it'll give method some inspiration for their product. We want refills! ($12.99 is just WAY too much to pay every time you want some more reed diffusers!)
Actually, pouring out the aroma pill refill is exactly what i've been doing to reuse the reed diffusers! I would be stoked to see refills for the diffusers. I don't see much reason to replace the reeds too often, so it makes sense to sell the reeds and oil separately. I'd buy the oil refill much more often.
Fresh Air fabric softener discounted with orange tag at my Target in Tucson. :(
I bought the shelf out -- only 2 bottles left. Wahhhhhh!!!!!
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