Oh, dang.
CHECK it out, it's the new lavender + lemongrass nightlight pill! Isn't it the best! People have been asking for this for quite some time, and I'm so excited method has delivered! And I was really hoping they wouldn't mess with a good thing, and leave the pill the same, but integrate the light, and they did! Now, I don't have all the tiny details as of this moment, so I'm not sure, but it looks to me like the entire "non-glass" portion of the pill lights up!
The packaging calls it an "automatic nightlight." I'm not sure what that means. I'm thinking it doesn't have an on/off switch. Do you think that means it stays on all the time? Or is it light sensitive, turning itself on and off depending on the level of lighting in the room (light, not on; dark, light on)? I think that'd be too pricey for method to invest in. So I'm guessing it's just on all the time, as long as it's plugged in. But we'll have to wait and see! (Unless someone from the wonderful land of method reading this knows? Tell us, we'll be really appreciative and blow you kisses! I promise!)
These SHOULD be out near the end of August (my guess) simply because I think the entire new aircare line will be out on shelves by the end of the month; Target has already clearanced the current "non" nightlight version of lavender + lemongrass, so I think that's a good sign we'll be seeing this very soon. It's currently only being released in lavender + lemongrass (but of course you can purchase any refill scent you wish! But lavender + lemongrass deserves your lusting! It's awesome!)
I can't wait! (I say that a lot, I know.)
It should go on and off depending on how light it is around the pill...its not expensive to do. You can get photo-sensitive nightlights at Home Depot for a couple bucks.
I am very pleased they didn't change the pill design.
The new glass candle dish is very nice too. And I am VERY excited about a bamboo aroma ring.
Girl, thanks for the updates and pics.
But I am still pissed that they do not make a body/hand lotion.
It looks like glow-in-the-dark plastic... could it be?
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