Stephanie over on adventures in babywearing says:
"So, way back when I was at BlogHer in San Francisco and (I can't remember if it was before or after the naked man in the hallway incident) I got an email from Brand About Town asking if I'd be interested in being a Method Maven- where I'd host a party in Chicago to encourage our friends to detox their homes and do some fun eco-friendly activities. My roomates Amy & Arianne also got the email, and we squealed since we love Method -who doesn't?- and found out that the Brand About Town girls were staying in the suite directly across the hall from us with Alpha+Mom.
We walked right on over (I think I was in my pajamas and barefoot) and made ourselves friendly and ate their yummy cupcakes and then headed back over there for breakfast the next morning. During all this it was decided that all three of us should host one big Method party together.
Eco-expert Danny Seo was the master of ceremonies (that night his episode as a guest judge on Bravo's Top Design also aired!) and among a backdrop of amazing Method products, fun craftiness, and delicious finger foods, we partied like we were in our own home. But with no clean up. It was fabulous.
And stay with me here- there just might be a great big Method giveaway at the end.

(And see that dish he's holding in the photo above? I have that very plate signed by Danny to give away, too.)
Ivy (Stephanie's new baby) enjoyed her first party, and we're sorry you couldn't join us! We thought it would be fun in her honor to give away the Method Baby line!
Win! I've got the Method Baby Squeaky Green body lotion, bubbly bath, hair & body wash, & diaper cream to giveaway. All in a signed Danny Seo-created Method Plastic Bag Rehab market tote!
To enter, just leave a comment here telling me your favorite Method product. I'll choose one winner at random sometime after Tuesday October 21, 11:59pm. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your email address, the winner will also be posted at Prizey Winners. Open to US residents only.
And stay tuned- I'll tell you how you can win Danny's fun dish from the party!"
Her roommate Arianne from To Think is to Create had her own thoughts on the fun festivities (and her own contest!):
"A couple nights ago I had the privilege of being one of three hostesses for a fabulous Method Maven party downtown in Chicago. We’ve been planning on the party for weeks, however our lovely sponsors required nothing of us except for a guest list.
I’m already a big fan of Method, having raved about them at Mama Speaks, but to be called a Method Maven? Well, I was beyond giddy.

Throughout the night, almost all of my favorite local Chicago-land area ladies showed up and we enjoyed gourmet food, plenty of wine and best of all–crafting with one of my favorite people around, Danny Seo. He’s a famous eco chic designer (you may have seen him as the guest judge on this week’s Top Design on Bravo) and an environmental lifestyle expert, and gave us a tutorial on how to create fun designs and re-glaze old recycled plates. He was also very sassy, which I loved:

It was a fabulous evening, one I really needed, and I want to thank Method and Brand About Town for putting this shindig on!
But that’s not all…

There are a few ways to enter, and you can increase your chances by doing all three!
1. Comment on this post telling me your favorite Method product and favorite scent. Mine’s the baby bubble bath and cucumber.
2. Get two additional entries by tweeting about this contest (make sure to comment with your tweet!)
3. Get three additional entries by grabbing my blog button on the right and putting it on your site/blog (again, let me know you did it).
So yeah, you can get a total of SIX entries by doing all three things. Cool, right?
Contest ends on Wednesday October 15th at 11:59pm. Winner chosen at random. Good luck! (Fudge, I just realized the contest ends tonight! So get to entering!)
As usual, I'm horribly jealous of all the fun! What I wouldn't give to get to go to one of these parties! (Were there enough "to"s in that sentence?) Ah, so much fantastical fun! Well, lusters, get to signing up for some great contests! And if you've had a detox party, send me the details/email/blog link, and photos and I'll post them here on method lust! Thanks!
Whaaa are those method hand gel wash bottles available now? I've never seen those!
James, they're only available in the pop-up shops. They're even glass! (I think.) You go in, and they have two big old style glass containers full of two types of hand wash, and you get to fill up your own little bottle, with your choice of wash! It sounds awesome! If you do a search here on method lust, for detox, you should see the large containers in some pics! They're great!
It was such a fabulous time! Sooo wish the Method stores weren't just "pop up shops!" Stay forever!
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