Monday, April 21, 2008

not just green... squeaky green!

method has just posted their latest update to their people against dirty blog, pertaining to the new squeaky green book! It begins:

"Congratulations – it’s a... book! It’s our first one, and we’re so proud. We’ve named it Squeaky Green: The method Guide to Detoxing Your Home. (Kind of a mouthful, we know. We hope it doesn’t get teased too much on the playground.) In a nutshell, it’s a room-by-room guide to lots of easy things you can do to rid your home of toxins so you and your family will breathe easier.

In celebration of Earth Day, here are five easy and inexpensive tips – all pulled from our very own Squeaky Green.

1. Exercise that green thumb by picking up a plant, or five. Plants are nature’s detoxers and can actually boost oxygen levels in your home. Some real botanical champs are philodendrons, green spider plants, dracaenas, palms, ferns, English ivy, peace lilies, mums and daisies.

2. Slay the energy vampire. OK, we know you don’t want to come home every day and reset the time on all your appliances. Neither do we. But for those times you’re leaving for a while, plug everything into a power strip and simply switch it off. (Er, you might want to make sure you haven’t lost the manual for your DVD player.)"

To read the full Earth Day tips list head over to their site!

1 comment:

Sprockets said...

I'm really glad that Method came out with a book like this, I plan on checking it out.

But, one thing has been bugging me for awhile. The second tip they list is "Slay The Energy Vampire". This is a great thing to do, but why would an environmentally-conscious company like method that promotes sustainability create an energy vampire product such as the Aroma Pill??

Ever since I saw that product released it has been bugging me. there is no need for plug-in air scenters (aka "fresheners")! and I would think that method is well above just making better mimics of other products, such as the Glad Plug-In.

I picked up the Aroma Ring in lavender lemongrass for the bathroom awhile ago. It's been almost 2 months now I think and the disk is just starting to dry out. It works and smells great. I'm going to try some of the other (limited edition!) scents and also the Aroma Sticks next.

there is NO need for a plug-in air scenter, passive devices work just great. so why method, did you make the Aroma Pill?

(as an aside, re the air cleaners that produce ozone. this is an especially bad combination if you use air fresheners or other heavily scented products in your home. the combination of ozone plus the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that produce the aroma from the cleansers and air fresheners will react in your home to essentially produce "smog". this is a combination of various (often toxic) gases and fine particles. the same happens in "nature" when pinene and other biogenic VOCs from say pine trees react with ozone to create the haze often seen over some of the large national forests.
i'm an atmospheric chemist in case you're wondering where all this is coming from . . . => )

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