Thursday, May 1, 2008

my mama

Don't you talk about my mama! I'll punch you out is what I'll do if you talk about my mama again! I mean it, I do I do! Oh oh, THAT mama! Over on Mama Speaks! Oh ok, sorry. Did you know she gave this really great review on method's new bathroom line? She sure did, check it out:

"Bowled Over
Of all the household chores, cleaning toilets is the worst. It's not that it's the hardest necessarily, just a squirt of cleaner and swipe of the scrubber and you done, it's more that I can't stop myself from imagining what goes in. While completely natural, it's just a little gross when your other end is peering in. What's even worse is all the junk that comes in a conventional cleaner. Prepared to do the dirty work they come chock full of phosphates and sulfuric acid, which will definitely do the duty but takes it's toll on our environment.

And just as we were all thinking, "Why don't the folks at Method come out with a toilet bowl cleaner already?!". They do. The latest to hit the lineup of fantabulous products from Method is Lil' Bowl Blu, a tiny little toilet cleaner that knows how to get the job done. Made with lactic acid (vegan sourced) and xanthum gum it can tame toilets and break up tough stains while taking it easy on our ecosystem.

Even better Lil' Bowl Blu has the scent of Eucalyptus Mint and as strange as it sounds there is suddenly a little bit of spa-ness to scrubbing the john. I'll be the first to admit that for the first time ever, I was excited to be on potty duty. You can find my new favorite helper on store shelves now and at Method's website. And if you're looking for something new to tackle the tub you might want to take Le Scrub for a spin."

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